Call of the Void
A two-part dance show by Geli Santarsiero and Max Butler, fourth-year dance students from Arizona State University. The show also includes multiple components in the preparation of opening night, including a photo shoot, Instagram page, and website that promotes the event's entirety, all produced, coordinated, and run by Geli Santarsiero with help from Max Butler and Lawrence Fung of Kraken Still and Film.
The show consisted of multiple pieces, having the first half choreographed by Geli Santarsiero, and the second half choreographed by Max Butler. The show's first half consists of an expanded version of the piece showcased in the Transitions II: Cumulus Twenty-Two show in February. Including new film and photography components, the story that Mind Universe introduced is now evolved into a full-length piece that can dive deeper into each section and its deeper meaning. The second half of the show, compiled by Max Butler, showcased multiple smaller pieces. Each piece holds different themes and narratives.
Showcased May 6-7 2022 in Margret Gisolo Dance Studio